Tilapia don’t ask for much. In fact, they only have five basic needs: clean water, oxygen, food, light and room to swim. Give your tilapia these things, and they will stay healthy and grow fast. The art of tilapia farming is to understand each of these needs, and then find a way to provide them in sufficient quantities.

Tilapia need number one – Clean water
Providing your tilapia with clean water can be split into two parts: new water introduction and existing water maintenance.

New Water Introduction
Whenever you introduce new water into your pond or aquarium, it needs to be of the same quality that you would drink yourself. In fact, if you aren’t willing to drink the water that you are introducing to your tilapia, then you need to stop giving it to them until you are. Tilapia are a food fish, so whatever is in their water, will eventually wind up in your body. You might as well drink the water now, and cut out the middle-fish. Your water should only come from a safe municipal source, or a clean private well.

  • Make sure that you are willing to drink from your water source before you give it to your tilapia.
  • Make sure that the temperature is the same as to what your tilapia are already accustomed.