How often should I change my nutrient solution in hydroponics?

The water that is stored in the bottom tank that waters the roots of the plants is the home for millions of microorganisms that keep the system stable and furtile.

It takes time to build a stable ecological environment for your system.

Normally a few months you can have a fully stable system.  The water in you reservoir will have a very good supply of the beneficial bacteria that helps prevent harmful fungi and algae from growing.  This helps support the growth of the plant from a seedling to full maturity.

So when it comes to changing the nutrient solution, we recommend taking a more conservative route.

Add water only when needed and when you’re reducing the water in the system remove no more than 20% to 25% of the original level of the water so you do not harm the natural balance of your system.

Plant ecology in a hydroponic system is extremely fragile.  By reducing or removing too much water and adding in new water, there is a chance that you shock the ecology.  Therefore we recommend no more than 25%.