Whats more

Whats more, your plants grow twice as fast and you can grow up to ten times more of them in the same area as traditional growing. That means if you are growing vegetables, and have 1 square foot of space, our method grows as much lettuce as someone would with 10 square feet of space.

The Benefits Are Clear.

Compared with Hydroponics, Aquaponics does not need to use chemical nutrients for the plants as the fish waste provides these nutrients to the plants. Compared with Aquaculture, Aquaponic systems do not have a build-up of waste products (nitrites) in the system that can cause the water to become toxic. Aquaponics utilises this waste with the bacteria in the grow beds that convert the nitrites to nitrates which the plants then consume as their main source of nutrients.
The Aquaponic system uses 10% of the water used in conventional growing, there is no weeding or digging the garden and you can produce fish and plants for the family all year round.